Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Megan is 11 months old

Megan is eleven months old and daddy has survived his month of indentured servitude at home. It's back to the old grind for daddy and a life of being passed off from grandparent to babysitter for Megan. February was a busy month for Megan - she kept herself busy challenging the will of her new keeper.

Stair Crazy. This month Megan discovered the stairs. Although we barricade her in the family room and kitchen, sometimes we chase her around the rest of the ground floor and every time Megan passed by the stairs she grew a little more curious, until one day she started climbing. A few weeks later she completed her first climb to the second floor, with Daddy following behind. The look on her face was one of pure victory. She immediately headed for the bathroom to play with the toilet paper. Although I have no photos from this month, I will steal a few from next month to show you what she's like:

Poo On You. Megan used her potty a fair bit considering she was 10 months old. According to our records she peed a total of 10 times and pooed four times in February. We apologize for the frank discussion of human waste management, but really that's all new parents talk about.

Standing for it Megan has been experimenting with free-standing over the past month. On March 7th she almost stood up... teetering for a few moments before falling back on the sofa in a fit of giggling. She still doesn't quite understand what walking is, even when we hold her arms and guide her forward.

New Adventures Near the end of February, Daddy took Megan to visit her future babysitter, just to test the waters and get Megan used to her new surroundings. The visit went well, Megan played with Gopa (a cute 4-year-old who is distressed that she can't remember what comes after three) and Koji (1-and-a-half-year-old bundle of energy), but she was pleasantly surprised to see me return after a few hours. When Lori took her for real the next week (Tuesdays and Thursday) she was less than thrilled. She cried, moped and Lori was looking for alternatives, but the second week she was adapting better and the situation is looking up.

The Pincers I will quickly mention--mostly as as excuse to show another photo--that Megan has tweezer-like fingers that can find any object, however minute, on the floor or anywhere. On the right is a photo of Megan picking up a Cheerio with those pincer fingers.

Well that's all we've got for this month. No video, either!! I promise more surprises for Megan's REAL first birthday next month.

Photo Slideshows

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