- Mommy was trying unsuccessfully to comb Megan's hair.
Megan escaped and came down the stairs and cuddled with Daddy.
Megan says, "Daddy, I don't love Mommy"
Daddy asked her why. Megan replied, "because Mommy doesn't love me."
Three going on thirteen !!
Oct 28
- Sandy says to Megan: "Jeeze Louise!"
Megan asks, "who is Louise?"
Oct 26
- Mommy says: "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
Megan says: "I'm not Willis!?"
Oct 21
- Megan says: "Daddy, when will there a baby in my tummy?" Daddy: "When you grow up." Megan: "Can you tell me if it will be a boy or a girl?"
Oct 7
- Megan exclusively wants Daddy to read her bedtime stories. Last night Mommy made a deal with Megan: "Tomorrow night I will read you stories, ok?" and Megan agreed. Tonight Megan asked Mommy: "Is it tomorrow?" Mommy replied, "no, it's today." Megan smiled, "Then since it's not tomorrow Daddy will read me stories!!"
Oct 5
- Megan is with mommy at Teta and Cido's house. They're eating celery and Teta asks Megan to bring her a stick of celery. Megan brings over a celery stick, then waves it at Teta with a cross look on her face and says, "Teta, eat your sandwich first! The celery is your desert. Now, listen to me!"
- Teta and Cido were speaking in firm voices. Megan: Teta don't yell at Cido. Now say sorry. Thank you. Daddy was yelling at mommy "yesteryear". It's not nice.
Oct 3
- Megan: "tell mommy not to turn on that light. I am trying to sleep. And you have to be quiet. I need to sleep."
- Megan: "Mommy you have to stay off the stage. The police are going to come and tell you to stay off the stage. Only the ballerinas are allowed to stay on the stage."