Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sign language (and more pics)

Janna posted a comment with a link to Wee Hands, a sign language program offered by the Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf. They teach infants sign language starting at four months. Megan is only a month old right now and is only just starting to control her hand movements. However, I have noticed she has considerably control of her legs - is it possible to sign with one's toes?

In other news, I have added a pic to her one month posting (below) and also added a bunch of pics to the slideshow.


Anonymous said...

Lori & Aaron,

Your daughter Megan is growing so beautifully...can't wait to see her in person again - soon!

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

She's great! ... and nice photos too so those art prep years finally paid off.
