Someone reminded me this morning that we should be keeping track of Megan's progress as she matures. So here we are. Miss Megan is technically 10 days old. At 8:11 this evening she'll be officially 11 days old. She is getting cuter and more curious by the second.
Thursday April 13 8:30am (6 days old) - Megan laughs for the first time - albeit in her sleep. It was very clearly a baby's laugh, a virtually soundless series of staccato compressions of the diaphragm: H-h-h-h-h without the "ah" sound. She has also been smirking, smiling, and full-out grinning in her sleep. Learn more.

Monday April 17 9:00am (10 days old) - Megan starts proto-babbling in earnest. Although we noticed a few odd sounds from days before, this morning was when Megan repeatedly uttered deliberate sounds instead of simply fussing or crying. The sounds can most accurately be interpreted as imperatives, commands, as opposed to interrogatives, or questions. Possibly she is saying "hey Dad!" or "pull my finger!"

Megan is obviously riding the high tide of social interactivity, having spent a great deal of her first Easter weekend with curious aunts, uncles, and extended family. Hopefully with this kind of inteaction on a regular basis Megan will soon be on a daycare lecture circuit with her dissertation Curiosity did not Kill the Cat and other infant observations.
9:00pm - Megan has been in wiggle mode all day. Not only is she staying awake longer, she is also displaying intense curiosity about the world around her. When awake she thrashes about with her arms and legs until she spies something interesting, then watches it intently. She did this to the microwave this evening. I was forced to explain to her the inner workings of the food-warming device.
In case you haven't checked recently, we've added a few more pics to the slideshow.