What has Megan done lately?
She who laughs last... In the past two weeks she has laughed twice, once for teta (grandma) Fazaa and once for halto (auntie) Sandy. Unfortunately she hasn't laughed for mom and dad, although this morning (june 11) there was a sound uttered in the presence of her daddy which could be interpreted as a chuckle!
Reach out and touch an octopus... this morning (june 11) Megan reached up and grabbed the foot of her stuffed octopus, which hangs from her activity center.
To crawl or not to crawl... Momma put Megan belly-down on the floor to see what she could do... turns out she can kick at 300 babypower, but her arms can't keep up... yet!
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest...? Momma reports that later this afternoon (june 11) Megan smiled and cooed at her reflection.
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Slideshow primer: I've reorganized the slideshows. Month 3 pictures have their own new slideshow. You can jump to any picture in a slideshow by moving your mouse to the bottom edge of the black slideshow frame. Doing this will pop up the picture thumbnails. Click on an image to view. Once you do this, you've put the automated slideshow on 'pause'. To 'un-pause' your slideshow, move your mouse to the upper edge of the slideshow frame. A small control panel will pop down and you can click 'PLAY'. You can also use this control panel to change the speed at which the slideshow changes pictures.
Slideshow #1: View the Month 1/Month 2 slideshow (recently updated!)
Slideshow #2: View the new Month 3 gallery (contains 5 or 6 pics)
Information: Read our Baby Talk post below.