Welcome to the Megan Update in honour of her five-month birthday! Megan has developed so much in the past month I'm not sure where to start! How about the doctor's appointment she had today? Megan's latest stats:
26.5 inches long (95th percentile)
17 lbs (90th percentile)
Cereal Killer. On August 1 Megan ate cereal for the first time. She consumed five spoonfuls, tried to suck on the spoon, then cried. On Aug 4 Megan sat in her high chair for the first time. Around this time she realized that the spoon is a suck-free device. Now, over a month later, she loves her morning cereal. Today we started feeding it to her in the evening as well. (Unfortunately for poor impatient Megan, she wants the flow of cereal to be as constant as her flow of milk has been.)
Teething begins. On Aug 13 it became apparent that Megan was teething. She was cranky and very very drooly and started going through a lot more diapers! Now she has a hint of two white teeth showing through her bottom gums.
Hands & Eyes & Bums. Megan's hand-eye coordination has improved dramatically over the past month, a result of her desire to put everything in her mouth! Books, forks, salad, camaras, it doesn't matter! She also enjoys sucking the juice out of watermelon and cantelope and taking sips from mom's water glass!
She loves staring at her hands, especially when she's feeding. Her teta has been teaching her an Arabic nursery rhyme during which you hold your hands in the air and rotate them at the wrist. Megan regularly practices these movements while she's feeding, rotating her wrists and studying her own evolving technique with rapt attention!
She has also figured out how to do a vulcan mind-meld. (What's a "mind meld"? Look here and here.)
Megan recognizes her bottle now, reaching for it, crying for it, and grasping it with both hands, succeeding 40% of the time to get the nipple into her mouth.
In the past week Megan has gotten closer to sitting up on her own. She will probably be sitting up on her own in the next month!
Vegetables and Fruit Not So Much. On Aug 25 Megan ate two tablespoons of carrots! After a few days of this we tried squash and then pears. Unfortunately Megan was interested in neither! As soon as we stick in the spoon Megan would stick out her tongue, still loaded with mushy pear!
"Will Bounce for Attention". After two months Megan is still enjoying the jolly jumper, and after a brief period of requiring 100% attention when bouncing, she now prefers to entertaining us, squeeling and smiling and giggling as she tries to beat her latest height record.
Quebec Adventure. On Aug 10 we packed up our small family and pointed the car in the direction of the Eastern Townships of Quebec for a family wedding. Her khalto Sandy came with us, an invaluable babysitter and entertainer. We found time along the way to visit Montreal and Quebec City. Megan had her first caricature sketched in Montreal (which turned out really horribly, as you'll see in the new slideshow) and charmed the pants off a waitress at a nearby cafe. Megan was very well behaved during the four days we were away and only indulged in poutine once or twice ;-)
Megan's new friends!Our intention has always been to announce other recent births as they happen, but I haven't been organized enough to do it, until now...

I'm experimenting with some online video... let me know if it works for you - it might take several minutes to load. (Mom and Dad Hamilton, it could take a VERY long time for you!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-wPRrInS-g