The past month has been quite eventful. Megan experienced her first Christmas and New Years as well as a number of 'firsts' of her own. It was also a phlegmy month. I'll explain what I mean:
Flu Poo Poo. On Dec 20th 2006 Megan received her first flu shot. Flu shots are free for Ontarians. They're supposed to reduce your chances of contracting serious flus. I'm quite dubious of the controversial "let's guess which flus are going around and inject them into babies and the elderly" flu shot, so I wasn't completely surprised when Megan comes down with a serious cold shortly thereafter. Megan was coughing and hacking for days and days afterwards, right through Christmas, so we took her to a walk-in clinic and discovered she has twin ear infections. So onto antibiotics she went. We struggled to administer the amoxicilin for days, at first by injecting the bright pink (watermelon) viscous liquid between her clamped shut jaws, then later by hiding it in her formula (which also turned pink) and food. A few days before the end of the treatment Lori discovered Megan was more than willing to take the antibiotics on a spoon!
Holiday prep. Before she got sick, we kept Megan quite busy leading up to the holidays. We took her Christmas Tree shopping at a nearby nursery. In the end we picked a gorgeous Frasier Fur that cost us only a small fortune. We also took Megan to Canadian Tire to buy some LED Christmas lights.
Baby Chompers. Megan's first tooth broke through on the 21st of December, following on Christmas Eve by her second tooth! They're sharp little buggers, too! Unfortuately we don't have any tooth photos to share with you. However we can share a few teething pictures! Teething Pic 1 | Teething Pic 2
She crawls to conquer. After weeks of trying and trying and trying, on December 23rd Megan crawled for the first time! (In a case of not-too-subtle foreshadowing, she was trying to reach out to a boy at the time.) Note to Nova Scotians, in Ontario what you call "creeping" they call "crawling". It's linguistic differences like this which have alienated the east coast from Upper Canada for so long. Although crawling was her Christmas gift to us, lately we've been regretting her newfound mobility. She still treats crawling as a means to an end, a way from Point A to Point B, or in Megan's world, from Point A to the Christmas Tree. Her initial motivation certainly was to reach the dangling ornaments. In the days prior to crawling she would roll and roll and roll until she reached that tree. She also enjoys crawling to the TV and watching Star Trek and Jeopardy.
Critical Mass...er...I mean, Christmas. I cannot express in words the number of gifts Megan received. Many of them are in the basement waiting for their turn - there is simply no room! Megan had a great time tearing at the wrapping paper, eating wrapping paper and cards, and chewing on the boxes. One of the many gifts she received was a stuffed bear who sang Jingle Bells. Megan liked this bear's singing so much, she would cry whenever the bear stopped singing.
Chatty Cathy. After editing Megan's video for this month I realized I'd left out one important thing: she is turning into a real chatter box! She's also been giggling lots and becoming a lot more interactive. When you watch the video you'll see what I mean.

Megan wishes you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!