even Guinness-worthy). This is a work in progress and may continue to grow & change.
3 Years Old
June 24, 2009
- Megan begins reciting one of her Beauty and the Beast books from memory... she slurs a lot of it, but some sentences sound bang on.
- Megan is eating raisins at bedtime. She swallows a raisin and says "I'm trapping the raisin in my belly so it can't get out." Then she touches her chest and says "I trapped the raisin with my booby traps!" Apparently she learned about 'booby traps' on Backyardigans.
June 2009
- Megan has started wiping herself after no. 2 and she says "there are no more poo crumbs"
- When Megan wants Daddy to pick her up but he's holding Reznor, Megan tell Daddy to "Give! Give!" [Reznor to Mommy].
- One day last week she was excited that she pooed and peed at the same time and I said, "you killed two birds with one stone!" and then spent 5 minutes explaining to Megan her first metaphor. Last night at a family gathering she did it again and ran around telling people "I killed two birds with one stone! One bird is the poo, the other bird is the pee, and I'm the stone!!"
Mommy's forehead crinkles - Megan has deduced that when mommy is angry her forehead crinkles in a particular way. So now when Megan sees the expression she asks mommy why she's angry. She also tries to mimic the expression herself: "Mommy, I can't do it. How can I do it?" as she frowns anc scrunches her nose, trying to crinkle her own forehead.
May 21, 2009
It's breakfast time but Megan's not eating. She's totally zoned out watching Enchanted (a movie). I remind her repeatedly to eat. Eventually she says, "Daddy, you make me soooo angry!"
May 20, 2009
Megan notices a small statue of La Pieta (Mary holding Jusus in her arms after the crucifixion).
Megan: Who is that?
Teta: That's Mary holding her son.
Megan: Why is Mary holding her son when he's an old man?
Later Megan falls on the asphalt later and says, "I fell and hurt myself like Jesus."
In the bath Mommy asks Megan to sit down. Megan retorts, "Okayyyyyy!" as only a teenager could. Mommy asks her where she learned to speak like that and Megan replied: "I said it because I'm angry."
April 29, 2009
Megan crawls into bed with mommy and Reznor.
Megan: Did Reznor want his momma?
Mommy: Yes, Megan.
Megan: Take a picture of us! Get my camera! You push the red button to take a picture!
April 22, 2009
Daddy calls Megan, who is staying at Julie's.
Megan: Daddy, are you at work?
Daddy: Yes
Megan: You can hear me at work?
Daddy: Yes, because I have a telephone at work.
April 19 2009
Mommy: Goodnight - I love my princess
Megan: I love my Queen too!
Meganisms (April 13, 2009):
- Megan: When I'm four years old will I be big like Mommy and Daddy?
Daddy: Sure you will.
Megan: [with resignation] Oh... that's going to take a hundred years.... - Megan and Daddy are chasing each other. Megan beckons Daddy over to the edge of the carpet.
Megan: Ok Daddy, you stand on the big line and I'll stand on the little line. We're doing a race, not a chase, because I'm just a human.
And her races always begin with "on your mark, get set, go!" - "teta, I love this cheese but I love you even more"
- Daddy asked her "what's the difference between a square and a rectangle?" and she replied, "daddy, I have short turn memory loss" which she explained was what Dory has in Finding Nemo.
- "poo looks like sausage"
- "my poo looks like a dog"
- Megan is into princesses and evil queens these days (watching lots of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty). The other night when Daddy was putting her to bed she said, "I'm going to dream about being a princess and a prince is going kiss me and take me to his castle and we'll live happily ever after". Then she asked me: "Daddy, what is your dream?" And Daddy replied: "I'm going to dream about being a prince. I find a princess and take her back to my castle and we live happily ever after." Megan exclaims, "Daddy, is that princess me??!!!!"
Jan 2009
Megan anecdote #1: She came into our bed this morning and asked me to tell her the story of Aladdin. I started to recite it (poorly) from memory, then she said, "no daddy, don't read it from the ceiling, read it from the book."
Megan anecdote #2: Megan was watching a program on TV where they asked kids "what would you wish for?" So Helen asked Megan. Megan looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought, and said, "Ummmm, I wish for... a million bucks!"
Megan anecdote #2: Megan was watching a program on TV where they asked kids "what would you wish for?" So Helen asked Megan. Megan looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought, and said, "Ummmm, I wish for... a million bucks!"
Nov 2008
- When Megan was still in utero we used to read Dr Seuss to her (I doubt she remembers). We read Oh, The Places You'll Go! and Fox in Socks.
This week we're training Megan to go to sleep without a backrub. The first two nights were tough. She bawled for 15 minutes before falling asleep on her own. (Actually, that's not bad, I've heard about a girl that bawled for four hours!). Last night I told her I was going to leave. She said, "No daddy, rub my back or I'm going to cry." I explained that she was a big girl. She said, "No I'm not a big girl." I pep-talked her a bit and then asked her to hug her bear. Then I said goodnight and walked toward the door. Usually at this point she's bursting out of bed screaming "no daddy!!" but she just snuggled with her bear and simply said, "goodnight daddy."
She's 2-and-a-half and so much trouble, but such a joy. A few nights ago I took her to the potty and while we were waiting for something to happen she said, "I want to be Megan Doctor" so I said, "you mean you want to be Doctor Megan?" "Yeah," she said. "Hi, Mister, where's your booboo?" I told her my head was hurting (which it was) and she said, "I'll give you a band aid" and she extracted an imaginary bandaid from somewhere in her belly and stuck it to my forehead. "Do you feel better?" she asked. I told her it still hurts so she extracted ten more band aids for me. Other times she'll spontaneously compliment us on something, like "Daddy, your hair is beautiful."
Retrospective under construction...
Retrospective: November 2008

Retrospective: October 2008

Retrospective: September 2008

Retrospective: August 2008

Retrospective: July 2008

Retrospective: June 2008

Retrospective: May 2008

Retrospective: April 2008

Retrospective: 2 years old!

Retrospective: 23 months old - March 2008

Retrospective: 22 months old - Feb 2008

Retrospective: 21 months old - Jan 2008

Retrospective: 20 months old - Dec 2007

Retrospective: 19 months old - Nov 2007

Retrospective: 18 months old - Oct 2007
Daycare reports that Megan is speaking at a two-year-old level.
- Megan begins asking the question: "what is [insert name here] doing?" She is also responding to the same question...
Daddy: What is Megan doing?
Megan: Making mess! (referring to messes of crumbs on the floor or sofa) - Early in October Megan altered the way she sings Old MacDonald. She began referring to a "farm" as a "sharm", as in "Old MacDonald had a sharm, eieio!" I think it's because of the line "...and on his farm..." which Megan may be hearing incorrectly as "and on hissharm"
- On the other hand, she also refers to "frogs" as "shrogs" and "elephants" as "eleshits"
- Megan started referring to "poo" and "pee" and actually meaning it, sometimes.
- In September Megan started saying "I want it!". Now, in October (Oct 11th), she said "want that?"
- New animals she recognizes and vocalizes in Sept/Oct: walrus, mole, cheetah, anteater, octopus

Retrospective: 17 months old - Sep 2007
- Megan started saying "sorry! sorry!" if we hurt her (for instance, accidently pulling on her hair) because that's what we say when we hurt her.
- Megan started expressing her wants, saying "I want it!".

Retrospective: 16 months old - Aug 2007

Retrospective: 15 months old - July 2007