December 2011
Khalto Kristy works some odd hours. Whenever you ask Reznor where Khalto Kristy is, he says, "Sleeping." Still, if came as a huge surprise to Khalto when Megan declared, "Khalto, you're nocturnal."
"Am I? Do you even know what that means?"
"Yes, it means you sleep in the daytime and stay awake all night."
"Then I guess you're right."
Daddy writes an email to Mommy while she is attending her Christmas Party.
Megan dictates: "Momma, I'm feeling good. I miss you. Your so nice and you're my favorite Momma. Love, Megan."
DADDY: Reznor, do you want to say something?
REZNOR: No, I want some more [he's eating nuts and crackers]
Megan and Daddy are home sick together watching James and the Giant Peach. At one point Megan says, "Daddy, I really appreciate you." Then.... "... I don't even know what that means!"
Mommy and Daddy are watching some stand-up comedy. Megan should be in bed, but she's not... so she's watching the TV and laughing. After about ten minutes she say, "Daddy, I'm laughing for no reason!"
This evening I accidently bumped Megan in the nose with my elbow. Megan replied, "it's ok, Dad, my bones and skin protect me."
"Daddy, why do boys have boobies?" Megan asks me after supper this Sunday evening.
"Well, that's a very good question," I say, stalling for time.
"I know why girls an mommies have boobies. They're very useful," Megan says.
I reply, "They sure are!" and my eyes glaze over for a few moments, thinking fondly about the various uses for boobies.
Eventually I conclude, "I really don't know why boys have boobies." Mostly because I didn't want to get into how babies start out as girls and only become boys when certain hormones are present, resulting in a change in genitalia. Hmm.. which makes me wonder if boys have vestigial ovaries...
Megan switches topics... "How does snow melt?" So I explain that the sun melts the snow. Megan says, "I know that!" Then she asks what size snowflakes are and I explain how they sometimes get really big by clumping together, so they look fluffy.
Megan thinks about this for a momen, then...
"We're having a big talk here," Megan observes.
October 20, 2011
How embarrassing--my first post since May?!! At bedtime tonight Megan expressed some concerns about a certain monster who was going to get into out house. I reminded her that we have an alarm system and she relaxed a little. I said if the monster tries to get in, the police will be called.
"And the police will come and give the monster a ticket?" she asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"And if the monster turns over the ticket it will say 'One more chance' or 'Go to Jail'?"
"Daddy, what do those police cards really say?"
"We'll talk about it in the morning."
September, 2011
The kids were going to sleep at Teta's and had just finished singing 'You are my sunshine.'
Megan: I want Daddy! Daddy is my sunshine!
Megan says goodbye to her friend at daycare. As we are leaving she says: "that's Noah. We love each other."
May 5, 2011
Megan sat through her first ever cavity drilling and filling today! She was so good. Daddy was proud. So was Mommy.
Mommy says: Megan I'm so proud of you being being so brave at the dentist!
Megan says: Mommy, I'm so proud of you for working so you can buy me more things--but only if I'm good, right?
APRIL 28, 2011
Teta is telling Megan all about the upcoming nuptuals of Prince William and Kate Middleton, emphasizing the fact that it's a royal wedding of a prince and princess. She shows Megan a picture of the couple. Megan is confused, "He doesn't look like a prince!"
APRIL 24, 2011
Easter morning antics |
Easter Sunday.
Megan crawled into bed with us and started asking questions about the human body, so I pulled out my smartphone and we started surfing the web for pics and videos of the human heart, brain, and nervous system. In an attempt to explain what nerves are and why they crisscross our body, I explained that when people sustain certain injuries (esp. to the spine) they may lose control and feeling in certain body parts.
About two hours later, Reznor smacked Megan across the face with his new (seemingly harmless) flashlight. It hurt. Megan cried. Reznor went to his crib for a few minutes. Megan was concerned. As she gingerly poked and prodded her nose, Megan cried, "I'm going to lose my smelling!!"
APRIL 22, 2011
Federal Election 2011 is a week away and the local candidates and smiling, waving, and kissing babies. Yesterday Megan spotted our Liberal candidate doing the "constituent smile & wave".
Megan: Mommy, who is that?
Mommy: he's a politician who's running in the election.
Megan: What's an election?
Mommy: it's when people have to vote for who they think should run the country.
Megan: I want to vote for Daddy! I want to vote for Daddy!
APRIL 21, 2011
As I tuck Megan into bed, my princess says: Daddy, can you tell Mommy not to turn me in my bed tonight?
Daddy: what do you mean?
Megan: Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I'm turned like this *she gestures a sideways position in bed* Mommy comes in and turns me around at night. Tell her to not do it anymore.
Daddy: Mommy is not turning you around.
Megan: Are you doing it, Daddy?
Daddy: No, Megan, you are doing it in your sleep!
Megan: No I'm not, Daddy!!
MARCH 18, 2011
I'm tucking Megan into bed.
Megan laments: Why do kids have to go to bed but adults can stay up? It's not fair!
Daddy: Because... grownups make the rules and we have lots of things to do like dishes ad cleaning and other boring grownup stuff.
Megan: But... grownups should sleep more so they have more energy in the morning.
Daddy: *sighing* You're absolutely right, Megs.
MARCH 2nd, 2011
The setup: Lori is in New York for a few days. Megan and Rezzie with their grandparents for the day. I call Megan after lunch to see how they're doing.
Megan: When are you coming to pick us up?
Daddy: I'll come get you after work. But we're not going home immediately---we're staying at Teta's for supper.
Megan: Why are we eating at Teta's? Is it because Mommy's in New York and you don't know how to cook?
FEBRUARY 27, 2011
Megan and Reznor were playing downstairs this morning peacefully... until we heard Reznor crying. Mommy rushed downstairs to see what was wrong. Sandy and I were sitting upstairs when we heard Lori say to Megan,"what did you do to Rezzy?" and Megan reply (thinking fast): "Khalto Julie just climbed in through the window and threw something at Rezzy!"
FEBRUARY 26, 2011
Two cute words from Megan this morning:
- blistard (she meant "blizzard")
- veige (she meant "beige")
FEBRUARY 19, 2011
While preparing pizza toppings....
Megan: It's a good thing that only onions make you cry. I didn't think that grown ups cry.
Mommy: We cry when our feelings are hurt or if we get hurt.
Megan: I know what will make you feel better if you're feelings get hurt.
Mommy: What's that?
Megan: A hug and a kiss from ME!
Another conversation while waiting in line at the grocery store....
Megan: Mommy can you buy some of those gummie candies.
Mommy: No
Megan: Why? You don't have any more money?
Mommy: I have money for healthy food, not for candy.
Megan: Why don't you work some more so that you can have money for candy!
FEBRUARY 17, 2011
Megan: Mommy, why do you always buy me princess things?
Mommy: Because you like princesses...?!
Megan: Yes, but I also like boy things. So you can me some boy things, too.
JANUARY 21, 2011
I'm saying goodnight to Megan and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Then she says she wants to give me a real kiss, grabbing my head, twisting my face sideways, and planting a big wet one on my lips. (Yes, sometimes she tries to make out with me...and Lori too). I walked to the door and Megan called out to me.
Megan: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Megan?
Megan: Why do you and Momma kiss on the lips?
Daddy: Because that's what adults do when they're in love.
Megan: Daddy, I'm in love with you (her voice smiling)