Sunday, March 12, 2006

STORK tracking number: 34239

T-Minus 24 days.

If she's on-time, that is.

I plugged the number 34239 into the STORK tracking system. The due date hasn't changed; April 5, 2006. Twenty-four days.

What will she look like? How will we recognize her? Well, below is what we know so far:

As you can see we don't have a lot of go on, except that we know she has two arms, two legs, a head, and a well-defined spine. Gotta love us vertebrates!

The Skipped Beat
For a week or so we believed Megan was missing a heartbeat, but a specialist was able to demonstrate that it was actually an extra beat. There are special cells (nodes) in the heart that release electrical charges at regular intervals to stimulate the heart muscles to contract; natural pacemakers. During the formation of the fetal heart, when two chambers become four, these cell nodes move to their final position. Sometimes there are cell remnants left over from the earlier stage of development. These cell nodes will still send electrical pulses to the heart, causing extra tiny little beats. These beats cannot be detected by doppler fetal heart monitors and so it seems like there is a missed beat. Don't worry, the extra beats will go away before the baby is born.

A lot of preparations have been made for Megan's arrival. She has her own room. She has her own crib. Change table. Curtains. Car seat. Too bad she'll be too 'new' to appreciate everything she's inheriting by arriving into this world. And so we wait. Twenty-four days!!

Flutterby wall art by Khalto Sandy
Megan's first outfit


Anonymous said...

Her room is so tidy!

Anonymous said...

The room is currently unoccupied, of course. Before you know it she'll have posters of Raffi all over her walls and tributes to Mr. Dressup, the Curt Cobain of children's entertainment. Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

I'm so dumb.. that last comment was mine :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan, you have the same laundry basket as me! It's a sign we are going to be such good friends, even if I am one year older than you and live on the other side of the world in Australia!