Second Wedding. Megan attended her second wedding this month, the joining of Rodney and Natalia. She didn't quite understand that she wasn't supposed to be the star attraction! She was babbling and screeching, no doubt offering helpful suggestions to the officiating clergy.
She who claps last. Megan learned to clap this month (Oct 19 was the first time). She started out tentativey smacking her palms together, though often only one hand would be in motion, the other stock still, ready for the impact. As the weeks go by she seems to be associating clapping more and more with happy emotions. Also, her clapping is now consistently audible as her little baby palms come together.
Swimming with the fishes. Mommy has been taking Megan swimming, getting her used to the water. At first Megan wasn't sure about the whole pool business, but she enjoyed watching the other babies and the ceiling fans. She only cried when Mommy dunked her head! With each passing week she has grown more comfortable and no longer cries when dunked. One day Daddy got to take Megan swimming. Daddy almost cried when Mommy said "ok - dunk her!"
Halloween. Megan's first halloween was this month. If you haven't seen the pics, visit the previous posting for links and hijinks.
Sitting up and taking notice. Over the past month Megan has progressed from tentatively teetering on her tush to totally dominating her derriere. She is now a sitter-upper par excellence. Her fascination with mirrors is also growing. When she sees a reflection of herself now, she jumps for it, wanting to make contact with that cute other baby. Mommy has also played a fun game with her, peering through a plastic ring and calling for Megan on the other side. Megan coos and peers back through the ring.
Crawl space. Although Megan's first flip onto her tummy occurred during her 3rd month, only in the past month has she started to test her ventral mobility. Presently she has mastered the backwards crawl, of which I hope to post a video shortly.
Do yo hear something? Megan has truly discovered her voice. She learned to let loose piercing screams all over the place. She is also mimicking our vocal inflections, especially with a utterance which we like to think is her attempt to say "hiiii!"
7-month birthday disaster. Everything was going fine - we lit the candles, sang happy birthday (pic), and then... Megan (attacked the cake!! She ripped it apart and had chocolate icing all over her hands... all over the coffee table... all over everything! And then she popped her hand in her mouth! But the look on her face was priceless... she's not yet a chocolate fan!
New Videos
Beautiful laughter
Megan wakes up looking way too cute - [ extreme cuteness advisory ]
Megan crawls.... backwards
Megan's birthday party
Captain Megan and the Space Pirates - our intrepid space captain awakens to find herself in a holding cell. She gingerly tests the forcefield, then pulls out her emergency rubber ducky. To Be Continued...
Megan during her 6th month - 34 new images (since Halloween had its own post)
Megan during her 5th month - 100 new images.
Megan at four months - 55 images
Megan at three months - 59 images
Megan at two months - 56 images
Megan from birth - 81 images
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