From the keyboard of guest blogger Jen Osti-Fonseca:

I know you, I dreamt of you, once upon a dream..." I'm still humming that song after our memorable visit to Eurodisney with the girls. With our princesses decked out in their royal finery and the mommies laden down with strollers, buggy boards, snacks and rain gear we braved the metro and RER and finally arrived at the park. The look on the Megan and Luiza's faces upon first sight of Sleeping Beauty's castle made forking out the exorbitant entrance fee well worth it. They proceeded to skip and twirl down 'Main Street' hand in hand, Juliette cruising along on the buggy board behind them. Our first visit was to Aurora's castle of course where Megan was enchanted by the spinning wheel and Luiza was mildy freaked out. Then the carousel where all 5 of us mounted our noble steeds, followed by the Dumbo ride and then a traumatic turn on the Pinocchio train for Luiza who had to have her eyes covered the whole time (Megan was a bit apprehensive of the whale and Juliette was nonplussed by the characters popping out but enjoyed cruising around in the little car). We next tackled the Aice and Wonderland maze before we ended up at the It's a Small World ride which is Disney at its best in my opinion. The girls were spellbound and the mommied had to fight back tears. Over the course of the day, we visited that ride two more times.

At lunchtime we made our way to the Auberge de Cendrillion or Cinderella's restaurant where the girls had an opportunity to meet all of their Princess idols and Prince Philip. Lori and I marveled at how they managed to find Princesses that actually look like the cartoon characters. All of them had perfect teeth, wide eyes and soft cute little voices (except Sleeping Beauty who had a bit of a harsh Austrailian twang). I think Belle impressed the girls and the mommies the most, especially when she invited Megan and Luiza to sit next to her for a photo and with a tilt of her head and graceful sweeping hand gesture ,encouraged them to fan out their dresses on the floor like hers. We were all mesmerized. Then she asked the girls to blow her a kiss during the princess parade. Megan made a special note of that and during the parade, she yelled, "Belle, it's me!". The parade was impressive with all of the Disney characters making an appearance on elaborate floats. The best was the villain float; Malificent, the dragon, the Snow White queen, and Ursula with their minions but poor Luiza was gripped with terror and had to be comforted while brave Megan clung to her mother's leg.
After the parade, we walked a bit, ran into Jasmine and Genie, participated in Mickey's Dance party where the girls moshed around as if they were at a NIN concert and the mommies convinced them by shoving them into the strollers) to head back home. Upon reaching our apartment the girls were exhilarated, the mommies completely wiped out but we were all still singing "I know you I dreamt of you once upon a dream....

Thank you Jen!
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